Checkout the condescending handwritten note a passenger handed to a flight attendant after being asked to wear a nose mask

A rude passenger handed a disgusting handwritten note to a flight attendant after allegedly being asked to wear a nose mask amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Twitter user, @hibiscuslacroix who shared the note online said the passenger handed the piece to the flight attendant upon deplaning.
In the written note, the passenger branded the flight attendant a ‘glorified maid’ and ‘mask nazi’ over her ‘unnecessary’ attitude.
The disgusting note read:
‘You mean sh*t in life.
You are nothing but a glorified MAID who needs to jump down off her high horse and learn how to speak to ppl. Nobody cares about your stupid seat policies or your nose issues. We pay your salary and your attitude is unnecessary.
The very fact that we have to listen & tow tow to a nobody who does sh*t except collect our trash and serve crappy food makes me absolutely ill. You are a mask nazi and a 4 eyed c*nt, and if it wasn’t for this job, you would be cleaning motel rooms for $2 tips and meth.
I made sure to write this on a bag labeled as to what I think your life actually is… A WASTE.
Warm Regards
A person who hates your guts